@optimusviolet definitely...i feel the same way...im still in awe that i pushed this bad boy out lol i tore but it was second degree and i only needed one suture...but it's in such a bad spot that I'm healing soooo slow
I had the baby blues for the first 2 weeks :/ I thought I was just being a sensitive Sally but it's normal lol. And I still look at him and just wish he would stop growing. We spend so much time with them that we don't really notice they're changing until one day you really see it. :/ It happened to me tonight. All that pain was definitely worth it, girl 💙💙
@optimusviolet i know!!! lol even though i went over my due date... but everything worked out...im still in pain down below...im limping so bad 😳 today i was crying looking at him sleeping cuz i don't want him to grow up too fast. lol fucking emotional wreck