question! For all the mommys out there. So my baby will be 9 months the end of this month. She has blue eyes still are they going to change at all? They are like a blue-gray. Me nor her father have blue eyes lol. SECOND question.. isn't red hair more dominant over brown hair ?

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Yes by 9 months your baby's eyes should be their permanent color. I actually read an interesting article the other day about eye color. It all depends on the amount of melanin your child has and genetics. Blue eyes have the least amount. My parents have green and brown eyes and I have blue. My son has blue too. They say everyone with blue eyes is related due to a rare genetic trait ( which I found crazy). As far as hair color two dark haired parents can make a blonde haired child, so color boils down to genetics. There again I have a blonde mom and a brown haired dad, I have dirty blonde hair, my older brother has brown hair, and my sisters is red, my little brother strawberry blonde. After I had my first son my hair grew in an array of colors. Now it's dirty blonde with red tones. So it's really unpredictable. My son was born with super dark brown hair, it all fell out and came in blonde. Now that he's older it's brown/ dirty blonde. Hair is a less predictable trait as your hair darkens as you age. It's all really interesting if you like biology :)
26.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Eye color can change up to 3yrs old. But the darker the pigment the less likely they are to change.
26.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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