hey ladies! I recently changed my birth control from the nexplanon to the pill. did anybody have pregnancy symptoms a week after removal? Im new at tracking all these symptoms of period and ovulation. we are not trying for a baby due to already having 6 between us. I got my nexplanon taken out on the 17th and I started my BC pill on the 18th. the 23th and 24th we had unprotected sex. has anybody conceived right away? I know that some people say that it takes a couple weeks to months. I did some googling and found some stories where people fell pregnant the day they had it removed!! has this happened to anybody or maybe someone you know?

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I thought so too...a couple of my friends had the BC as well and they said when they got the symptoms they where actually ovulating and started feeling different as soon as 5 days after conception. did you have the nexplanon @harmbug
26.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
it's normal to have pregnancy symptoms after removing the nexplanon
26.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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