I've had postpartum depression since the day after I had my son. I had just had a C Section, everybody was coming to see me, my son was 3 pounds and in the NICU and my husband was away working most of the day. The pain was too much even with meds, couldn't sleep and there was already drama. By the time we got home, I was up all night with baby, husband needed sleep and was overtired too. Dad was telling me how to parent and that I should start acting normal 5 days after surgery.. It's gotten a little better over the months but with my history I still struggle. I looked for a shoulder in the wrong places while husband was working and he didn't get what I was going through. wanted to feel beautiful and wanted again. was tired of not having anyone to talk to. still feel that way some days.

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It's tough going through all that shit momma. I'm sorry things have been so tough. I didn't feel depressed but I felt alone a lot of the time while my son was in the nicu. My husband was at home and I was 2 hours away at the hospital with my itty bitty for his 7 week nicu stay. Things got better though. Keep positive and focus on the good things in life. Hopefully that helps. I believe the app recently posted about a mom who started up a group message for moms going through post partum depression, maybe you could join that group?
26.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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