When did your baby sleep through the whole night??
I had my daughter 2 days ago and I'm wondering when she'll start sleeping more throughout the night... 😁
She's really big for a newborn tho. I read that the magic number for sleeping through the night is 11 lbs, it's when their metabolism can store energy and carry them through the night. She was just over 9 lb at birth, only a couple pounds shy of that landmark, whereas the majority of infants need to nearly double in size to reach it.
Like @emily18234 said ever babies different mine started to sleep through the night like 8 weeks. At the beginning they wont they'll wanna eat every 2 or 3 hours. But I promise it gets a better my lil one sleeps from 10 - 6 or 11- 6 sometimes 7am. Try to not get his days & night confused that will help u a lot. Most babies will sleep all day at the beginning though.
the day she hit 8 weeks slept through the night. it lasted for about 6 weeks then she started teething and was up every 2 hours again. shes 7 months old now and wakes up usually once if shes uncomfortable from the teething but will sleep through the night if she can