that is not selfish at all. it's mature and being an adult. shouldn't care if they were mad. you had you and your family to think about and that's exactly what you did. and for that you should get the upmost respect. :) @jboogie
It was, but then it wasn't. I just had to cut out the poison. A lot of people were mad at me but I had to be selfish. In being selfish about my well being and putting my families and my own needs first I was able to succeed. I still don't have people that I hang out with. But when I got locked up and not one soul was there but my family I realized that I could do bad by myself. I don't though. I'm actually doing great. The kids keep me busy. @liamsmommy5116
I think changing your daily life is the hardest. it's the routine you're used to so it takes a bit to get used to something else. but 4 years!! you're a very strong woman to make it to 4 years. there are people who cant or won't. You've done something a lot of people can't. keep up the good work. :) @jboogie
Thanks @vicky810
@liamsmommy5116 It has been a tough road. My husband and family have been such a great support system. Also had to totally change people, places, and things.
congratulations. I've had people in my life who've had an addiction. it's very hard to overcome. you're very strong 💪 you should be proud of yourself and then some. GOOD JOB!! 👏👏🖒🖒