Stacy Gore
Stacy Gore
I was married for 16 years, had 5 daughters, got my tubes cut, tied and clamp since we didn't want anymore children, we'll I became pregnant a year later with twins, unfortunately I lost them at 7 weeks. My new ob/gyn did a dye test and found out one of my tubes was never touched, wow right. So unfortunately my kid's father and I divorced, I'm now with the love of my life, he has 1 girl 2 boys. We want a child together. We have been ttc for about 5 months with no luck. I even take fertilaid. My ob/gyn said I am healthy. Both ovaries are good. Any suggestions, advice or opinions are welcome.

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Thank you, I have pre-seed used it last month and few times, I feel like my other half gave up trying
24.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
yes just opks and preseed or concieve plus can also temp..thats a good way to be sure you ovulated...i say no more pills sometimes it throws things off.
24.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
thanks ladies
24.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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