Advice ?????

It's so hard being a new mom, breastfeeding and having a bf that still has yet to grow up and realize it's not about you it's about your daughter . I feel like I'm in this by myself and have no support on his end. He never wants to watch her while I do things I need to do and chooses to live in a separate house so he doesn't have to be around that much . To top all that off I don't live with my fam anymore b/c it wasn't working out I stay in his house with his mom and sister and it irks me . What should I do ?

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@yourmodernmomma, thanks Hun. It's so hard . I have been waiting for the day I can go back to work so me and my baby can move to our own place .
23.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I think no matter what you should try to be as independent as possible. If he decides to involve himself, great. If he doesn't, at least you prepared yourself. I wish you the best in your situation. 💕
23.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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