I have a question for the mommies with 2 small children. My kids are 13 months apart. My 13 month old used to sleep all night long. Now she wakes up at 2am and stays awake until 5:30 am. I have a newborn but he is asleep when she wakes up or he's been up for a little but is quiet. How do I get her to sleep all night again? Or to a point where she won't stay up for 3 and a half hours. 😭😣😣 #MommyProblems #NoSleepFor3Days

Лучший комментарий


Chamomile! I give my daughter warm chamo tea for nights like those, like 3 or 4 oz, shes almost 13mo
23.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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