Hello, this is my first time on this group and need some information. So my fiancee and I we have a 6 yr old son. We are scheduled to get married on June 3 2017. lately we have been talking about having another baby as we are not getting any younger I'm 25 and he's 27 and its been 6 yrs since we had our son and were ready to try again after what we went through last year. last year I suffered a spontaneous miscarriage after being on the iud for 5 yrs and got pregnant about 2 WEEKS after having it removed. he wants to try right away but I want to try after the wedding. I'm also currently on birth control pills. what are some things I can do to get MY body ready and healthy for pregnancy and when is it a good time for me to stop the BC pills if I want to us to start ttc by end of summer 17'?
You can start taking prenatal vitamins and eating healthier. I would stop taking bc a month before you plan on starting ttc. They say it's out of your system immediately