My daughter was induced at 37 weeks. She was and still is perfect 👌🏼 she had to wear the bilirubin blanket for a couple days because of jaundice but she made it through like a champ. She was 6 lbs and 3 oz but dropped to 5 lbs 7 oz. then just started growing like a weed. Very healthy!
What are you being induced for? I was induced at 35.3 for high BP. Highest it went was 190/94. It was insane. She also wasn't growing anymore inside. Better safe than sorry was our motto. It's definitely a scary thing, but it may be even scarier depending on your situation. It was bittersweet when her due date of 9/13 came. I was really looking forward to her being a Sept baby like her daddy.
My daughter was born exactly 30 days early. She was 5.1lbs. She needed no NICU time. Only thing that came up was she was jaundice by 3 days and had to stay overnight for phototherapy. She's now 5 weeks and doing great. She weighs 7.7lbs (:
She had a hard time holding her blood sugar and temperature for the first day but she was never taken from me and she came home with me three days later (emergency csection). We never had any need for the NICU.