A little survey.
When was baby born? July 30th 2016
Were they early, late or right on due day? A week late
Were they planned baby? No. not at all but he's my world
Boy or Girl? Boy 💙
Name? Ryder Grant
Are they named after anyone? His middle name is the family middle name for boys
What color hair do they have? Red/strawberry blonde.
What color hair do you and dad have? Daddy has bright brown but was born blonde. Mommy is blonde
What color eyes does he have? Gray/blue for now.
What color do you and dad have? Mine are baby blue his are hazel
Does baby look like mom or dad? He was born looking like his half brothers twin (diff moms) but now looks like me.
Are you a stay at home mom or do you work? I work full time
Vaccinations? Yes!!
Co-Sleeping? He sleeps in a sleeper in his crib in his nursery
Circumsized if a boy? Yes
Breastfed or Bottle? Bottle.
Noisy or quiet environment? Quiet. But can fall asleep anywhere