Lottie Kingstone
Lottie Kingstone
So the past few nights I've lay in bed and cried. Cried out of exhaustion, emotion and I'm trying so hard not to give up. My baby won't settle, it's like she's constantly in pain. Will only settle if on her front or side. Won't feed. Nothing. But apparently it's fine. My other half won't come near me, won't even hug me anymore. Feel so worthless and shit.

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my little one was like that so mentioned it to doctor nd she prescribed gaviscon. has helped a lot, I also roll up a blanket and lay her half perched on it so she's not completely flat or completely on side so she could roll over. it's hard seeing baby in pain and not being able to do anything. x
21.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I can't help with the oh situation but I can say stay in there it will get better! When you say she won't feed how do you mean? When was her last feed? It can take them a while to settle once home. I know I found it very hard with Max. It doesn't help if you feel your oh isn't supporting you. Have you tired talking to him?
21.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
baby blues are normal and becoming a mummy is a very overwhelming time, so it's understandable you're upset/full of emotions, you're most certainly not worthless though, you've done something amazing by bringing a little life into the world... she will settle in time. Is she maybe colicky? Try gripe water or infacol? If you're not sure how to calm her and have tried everything maybe ask the midwife on the next visit to check her over or if that's too long then phone the GP if you're worried.

In regard to your OH, if you're feeling stressed and upset and hopeless, remember he's probably not feeling the same way as he won't have the same surge of hormones that you do. So perhaps he's not sure how to make you feel better, or perhaps he doesn't know how to ... either way just take a deep breath and count down from ten. Ask your OH or a family member to watch the baby for an hour or two if you feel overwhelmed, take a bath.. listen to some music. Try to de-stress. I hope U feel better soon xxx
21.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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