Need advice ladies:
My little girl is 4 and a half months old and for about the last week she has had really loose nappies and I am talking about 5-6 loose dirty nappies a day it's making her bum really sore is this normal ??
She weighs 14. 2 but is 20 weeks old she has gone down two lines on her centile . Hoping it's down to teething but I have changed a dirty nappy 3 times already today @stacey804
I'm putting loads of cream on her . I'm just worried as she as already dropped centiles on her weight so I'm worried her milk is going straight through her @stacey804
I had the same issue. My little boys were watery at first though, got him seen and he had a stomach bug. They say to get them checked if it's going on longer then 5 days. Towards the end of his stomach bug his poos became slimy. Now he's teething and there's so much saliva it's slimy again but only once a day he has a poo, hv said that's fine. Every nappy change I thickened his bum in nappy cream also. Helps soothe their little bottoms xx
Teething symptoms can change. Morgan was fine for the first 2 teeth, just dribbled. Then he got temperatures & red cheeks. Then he started getting the horrible teething nappies & sore bum. One time one side of his face swelled & he got a rash due to teething! If your concerned though maybe check with a health visitor.
They are bright green sometimes with stringy stuff in but it seems like her milk going straight through her and it's a battle to get her to have a lot as it is. She already has to teeth and has been teething since a month old but not had this. I know becomes so normal x