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Maternity leave is a joke to me. For me personally I was lucky and not given a set date I had to come back but had open arms ready for me when I was ready and not many women get that. The typical maternity leave is 6 weeks, babies don't recieve their shots untill atleast 8 weeks and if you don't have the option to have a relative watch your children your option is daycare where kids constantly are sick. It certainly puts alot of anxiety on a new mom. Between not wanting that and not wanting to seperate from Roman because I exclusively breast feed I was terrified about how I couldnt contribute to my family and pissed because any money I would make would go straight to day care with maybe some left over. But God has been excellent to me, my boss has allowed me to bring Roman to work with me and allows me to work the hours im able to and I couldn't feel any more blessed. But it still hurts me that not all mom's are as lucky because I know how terrified i was about trying to figure things out.

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that's terrible😣 they deffiantly don't take things into consideration which they should
20.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Like w t f
20.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I only get paid for 6 weeks and they take a week of that out of my PTO. And then I only have 3 weeks left of pto so if I wanted to take two weeks extra off I could but then I would only have 7 days for the rest of the year and what if my baby gets sick or I wanna take holidays off or something
20.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
@shellbell0391, 😟 it's very certainly not fair how they have it set up
20.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yes it sucks :( I can take 3 months but I won't get paid for 3 months 😭
20.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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