I've been told they do smell.. some don't but it's rotting skin.. if her belly or skin around it was red I'd be worried but it's not. I've been told to bathe her too x
Sophia was bathed in NICU in hospital with her cord still on😊 she was just over a week old when she had her first bath.. nurses said it was fine to bath her and as for the smelly cord, Sophia had the exact same and hers fell off two days later😊 hers was weepy but I think that was due to her having lines through her cord when she was poorly so it took a little longer for hers to fall off😊 but it was perfectly fine xx
Rubbish that you shouldn't bathe them. My little girl was born 11 days ago and I bathed her in the hospital a couple of hours after she was born... and the same for my son who is 4. Keep it clean, wipe gently in the bath and if it's showing signs of infection which a smell coming from it indicates, wash it with cool boiled water and cotton wool xx
I could never smell my boys cords. Is that a sign of a possible infection? And same was told not to get it wet. I didn't bath either of my boys until it fell off. I top & tailed them if I thought they needed it.