Couples Survey 👫❤ (

What are your middle names?
Nabih & Gage

How long have you been together?
9 months on September 27th

Who asked who out?
He did 💁🏻

Do you have children?
No but we are TTC

Did you go to the same school?
No, he's from Alaska and I'm a Cali girl 😂
(Opposites really do attract)

Who's the most sensitive?
This one might be a tie

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Uncle bo's on the north shore of oahu

Where's the furthest you have traveled as a couple?
The other end of oahu but this Christmas we are going to Cali and Texas 👣

Who has the worst TEMPER?
0 him

Who does the cooking?
Me 💁🏻

Who's more social?
I'd say I am but he's definitely not shy either

Who's the neat freak?
Definitely NOT him lol

Who is the most stubborn?
Me 🏆🎖

Who hogs the bed?
Lol me 💤

Who wakes up earlier?
He does (sucker lol)

Where was your first date?
Outback steak house in Hawaii Kai

Who has the bigger family?
Hands down I do

Do you get flowers often?
Yes 😍😘 about once every month

How long did it take to get serious?
We were friends 3 months before we got official/prublic

Who eats more?
Him for sure haha

Who's does the laundry?
We kinda just do it together haha (tag team it)

Who's better with computers?
Me 💯

Who drives when you are together?
Usually him (bc I refuse lol)
I love going on Pinterest during car rides

Who picks where you go to dinner?
Me, or he gives me options and I choose

Who's the first to admit they're wrong?
Him lol I'm innocent 😏

Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Both but I'd like to think I do a little more 😜

Who has more tattoos?
He has 3
I have 4 🏆

Who eats more sweets?
Probably me... yeah me for sure

Who cries more?
Me, I'm a baby lol

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