Jennifer Marie
Jennifer Marie
I have my 40 week check up tomorrow, and Dr and I are discussing induction I'm scared 😁
I've tried mostly everything to get labor going but nothing's working .... Any first time mommies that got induced And can share your experience ... I'm trying to prepare myself emotionally .. 😣



I was scheduled for induction at night, they started with the cervical ripener and an hour or two later I started having cramps. My husband helped me to he bathroom, I had my bloody show, and then I started having some really strong contractions. Apparently the ripeners are known for starting you off strong and fast (they were really close together, some less than a minute and I was only a couple centimeters) I ended up getting the epidural under the advise of the nursing staff long before I had originally planned. Fantastically strange feeling, by the way. After that I was stuck in bed. I was augmented with pitocin, but they had to keep the dose low because my daughter wasn't tolerating the higher dose. When I hit transition I started throwing up a lot, and my back hurt like crazy, but I couldn't lay flat to rest it because of the babies head position trying to get under my pubic bone. I stopped hitting the epidural at 9 cm so I would feel the urge when it was time to push, but it kinda backfired because my body started pushing without me! No harm was done, I was able to pant through them without any hard pushing. The induction was scheduled for Friday the 10th at 10 pm, and my daughter was finally born on Sunday the 12th at 2:35 am. They told me that inductions frequently take longer because you're making your body do something that it doesn't want to do. But, when it's all over, you have your baby in your arms and you no longer care.
19.09.2016 Нравится ΠžΡ‚Π²Π΅Ρ‚ΠΈΡ‚ΡŒ
i am terrified of having a c section i was scheduled for one and to get my tubes tied but i had to talk to my cardiologists cause my anxiety got so bad i didnt want to anymore. i got approved to deliver vaginally and i didnt even tare. i have the whole thing on video it is prettt intense
19.09.2016 Нравится ΠžΡ‚Π²Π΅Ρ‚ΠΈΡ‚ΡŒ
Wow that's amazing ... I'm hoping for a fast labor as well, I'm really scared to have a c section ... 😟 @ajandlilysmommy
19.09.2016 Нравится ΠžΡ‚Π²Π΅Ρ‚ΠΈΡ‚ΡŒ
so on 9/15/16 i had a panic attack ans woke up at 5 am shaking like as if i was driving down a bumpy road but I couldnt stop it and i woke up yelling for my fiance to wake up and take me to thee er when i got to the emergency room it turned out i had Cholestasis and a bad panick attack so they told me they had to take her out via induction and that they were admitting me. they took me to labor and delivery started my i.v and gave me fluids and tried giving me pitocin to induce me. my contractions weere really strong and close together but i just wasnt dilating so the. they were like we need to soften your cervix so they gave me this pill every couple hours and i started losing my plug then i dilating from a 2 to a 3 1/2 straight to a 4 then i stayed there for the rest of the day. next thing you know its 9am and my delivery doctor comes in and said we need her to come out now before its to late so he went in the back and when he came back he had this stick and he put his gloves on and shoved the stick in between my legs and popped my water. then another rn came in and hooked up more induction medication they came in and put in my elidural. i got the walking epidural because i didnt want to go numb right then and there but then i got the epidural in full and they hooked me up to the vital machine and i got checked again i was at a 5 then i think 2 hours later i was at 10 and they didnt make me push i just had to do bare downs and she came out(: but i passed out because i have a tare in my aorta so i had to get the mask put on and in the end on the video i noticed i really did just pass out i dropped my arms and my head so fast and stopped moving and when i snaapped back awake i pushed one good time and she came out.
19.09.2016 Нравится ΠžΡ‚Π²Π΅Ρ‚ΠΈΡ‚ΡŒ
how long were you in labor? @ajandlilysmommy
19.09.2016 Нравится ΠžΡ‚Π²Π΅Ρ‚ΠΈΡ‚ΡŒ
im not a first time mom but i just had my first induction four days ago. i was so scared but i promise you its truly nothing scary. its just a normal hospital bed and a i.v in your arm they hook you up and it doesnt like bam start working it takes hours and hours. i got the pitocin and some mearsol pill to induce me and soften my cervix it went by very smoothly they kept me medicated and when it came down to giving birth it went by so smoothly. if you have any questions just ask i literally went through it four days ago its sl fresh in my head πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
19.09.2016 Нравится ΠžΡ‚Π²Π΅Ρ‚ΠΈΡ‚ΡŒ