wondering y I can't wear makeup for my c-section tomorrow lol, n gotta remove my piercings hmm lol. oh well 17hrs til I meet my baby, n my BD n mom get to be in the room 💖
Lol! Yeah I wouldn't have guessed that But makes sense when you think about it 😂 they think you're all fine but it's just your flawless contouring that makes you look like your doing ok 🙈
@mommy4916, I have a dermal in my arm is that gonna be a issue ? wat machine ah? I want to wear makeup n straighten my hair but u think if I jus wear foundation they'll make me take it off ? @samclark5
Jewelry they don't want to be responsible for and if for any reason they need to bring out that machine that shocks u, u shouldn't be wearing jewelry, makeup I've never heard of u not being able to wear since my sister In law had her hair curled and face done