Not mommy related but if your man got up to get a bottle and he wasn't fully awake and he says another womans name(his coworker) would you be pissed even though he was sleep walking?
@jennatess, my husband has cheated in the past and the girl that he blurted out just told me a few weeks ago he was flirting with her but that he stopped when she told me
I'd probably be mad in the moment but id get over it. I have crazy dreams all the time, lol. Recently I had one about my ex and I haven't spoken to him in years lol
Personally? No. If he was asleep, there's no telling what he was dreaming. Maybe he was dreaming of being at work. Who knows. I wouldn't be mad unless I had solid evidence that my husband was no-good.
Good I'm not the only one. I seen him flirting with this woman a while back and he says he doesn't talk to her anymore. But he's saying her name while he's sleep walking @adensmommy