Anyone got any tips for breastfeeding.. it's only the 3rd night and it hurts.. am I doing something wrong.. thought I was following everything I've read and been told to do.
It does and will get better 3 months later I'm still at it but it's them first two weeks were hard I was exhausted sore and just being milked but I'm so glad I stuck it now xx
@liligandypants Awe hun...I cried too! I even got panicked about the next feed because I knew it would hurt. But I kept on at it...with the cream. Make sure bubs mouth is open wide and bring bubs mouth quickly to the breast. Brush the top of the lip/nose to encourage bubs to open wide Xx
@liligandypants Yeah..rub it between your fingers to warm it up and then it will become oily :) For some women it does hurt hun...even if its done right...But it could be that bubs has a tongue tie. When you next see your midwife get her to check your latch and your bubba for a tongue tie. They have places where you can drop in for breast feeding advice etc xxx
Apply the Lanolin inbetween feeds :) You can put on as much as you like and you dont have to wash it off before a feed. Apply it again straight after..and as often as you like before the next feed. Rub some all around the nipple and apply some to the breast pad. I recommend Lansioh breast pads :) Xx
On the 3rd day it was sore for me...I just used Lanolin cream for 2 days and it went :) If you haven't been discharged from your midwives care. Please ask her if the latch is correct xx
It will hurt but should only be on the first latch it does get better very quickly and then your don't feel any pain I bf all mine apart from my little girl now but only because I am on tablets that would effect her eyes so Kiki is bottle fed but I wish I was bf her it's amazing especially after the first week keep at it I'm sure your doing great Hun xx