Sleep training baby who sleeps in the same room as you ??
(Yes I know my baby is still to young to be put on a schedule I'm asking out of curiosity so please don't go all wanna be doctor on me)

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It's not too young for a schedule.... I mean my little one will be 11 weeks old on Tuesday and the daytime isn't a hammered out schedule because it just depends on what we're doing during the day. But like clockwork, she is tired and ready for bed for the night by 10pm. She usually wakes up around 6am. Sometimes 5:30, sometimes later... the biggest thing is to try to keep her up for longer stretches during the day. She doesn't ever take longer than a 3 hour nap during the day usually and I don't let her sleep in the dark. Usually during the day, she will sleep on the couch while I'm up watching tv or doing things around the house. At night, it's dark in our room and we don't talk loud if we're in there and we have the fan on. She very clearly knows her days from her nights. That was really long but it's most important that you do something to try to differentiate day from night and don't let her sleep all day. You've got this momma!☺️
18.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Whatever works for you all. I can't give you an advice on sleep training. We co-sleep with my babies because I'm still nursing. My little boy is a 7 months old.
18.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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