Personally I always change my boys if their asleep & poo'd. There has been times I've gone in Morgan's bedroom in the morning & he's poo'd & I obviously don't know when he's done it & it's smell rotten (more so than usual 😂) Max usually sleeps through it if he's that tired & Morgans always dropped back off to sleep straight after no problem.
But yeah...sometimes I tried to change her without waking her...which never worked haha!! But she wouldnt be startled or anything and would be happy for me to change her :) Xx
My girl use to be able to not sleep until she had done a.poo...and would fall asleep as soon as she had done it...I would never wake her up usually. But thats the only time I did! She wasnt properly asleep anyway :) My girl would sleep 3-4hours straight...or much younger as a newborn it was 6-7 hours...there's no way I would be leaving a poopy nappy on that long! Xx
@jodieiokie, hmm I'm not sure I could handle leaving a poopy nappy unchanged. The smell 😷 plus it's obvs not nice for bubs, and will have a sore bum when it's clean. Babies can sometimes be changed without waking up at all if tired enough and as @mother_of_humans said, if they do wake up they'll usually fall back asleep lol xx
My LG has a poopey nappy every morning after a full night sleeps and I have no idea what time during the night she has had that poop I'd say during the day change them but night time you can't really help it :L it's become something amelia does every night xx
This is an argument I'm having with my OH. He thinks you should never wake a sleeping baby and to leave it unless it goes over an hour whereas I thought that idea was ridiculous... I wouldn't like to sleep in my own poo... 😫 xx