I need opinions. Baby daddy wasn't there for twins birth Aug 29th and they have been in NICU ever since. He hasn't visited and wanted me to drive him last Thur as he was over being scared of all the tubes and wires. My mom sent him a congrats new father gift , he never acknowledged it. I asked him to check out ( not buy / put on hold) preemie undershirts and diapers, he didn't. Yesterday was our first phone convo since babies were born. He is living with someone. The only concern he has is that I won't let him see the babies. Should I ? I am tired of being let down... Any opinions are so welcome

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Thank you, and I couldn't agree more. When your babies are in NICU, and your smoking weed... Well moms don't do that kind of thing usually
17.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
If he said he would be there and didn't show on multiple occasions I would be hesitant. No reason to go out of your way and get babies hopes up just to be let down(not now but in future they'll care). Plus if he isn't helping you with anything at all I don't think it's fair either, maybe set something up and tell him this is his chance to keep his word and actually show up and show he's gonna be different and if he doesn't show he can take you to court which of he does that they will say he HAS to pay child support or he won't be able to see them. It isn't fair for either parent to just b in and out and only there when it's convenient for them. You don't get to pick and choose when you want to play dad
17.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
@2queenbee9 I agree. but defiantly get child support
17.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I can't get support, one he has two kids , two he can't even pay his rent and doesn't even have a car. Thank you, I think it should be on my terms because he wasn't there. Saying he would be there but never showed up. It's just cruel , especially with NICU twins
17.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
He should be allowed to see his children, just on your terms. Not when he wants to but when it is good for both of you. If he can't visit and see them in the hospital then i wpuldnt drop them off by any means
17.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
No. Get child support and stay away from him
17.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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