I always wondered why they say no oragel for teething so I asked one day. The ped.said oragel numbs the gums, but it also hardens them (making it harder for teeth to cut) . That's why they don't really suggest it anymore.
Yeah I know the orajel says 4 months. (my son is 3.5 months and just started using it) the tablets I couldn't find an age on those at all. Tylenol seems to help him the most anyway.
@jacesterlingsmommy, no she didnt. that nurse is weird anyways. I'll just have to wait until her appointment. I know both medicine say 4 months and up.
@sonya15, I used both on my son and they worked. @housfullofgrls I did and the nurse only told me no orajel and never use tablets. I'm going to stay with tylenol until her appointment in october.