Productive day 👍🏻 get your feet up now and watch X factor 😃 yeah bk again 9.30, fingers crossed she gets something started, I want to start making memories with my baby ha 💗 I'll keep u posted chic 😘xxx @safiamammy1
Hahahaa its been one of them usual cleaning cooking ironing iniforms ect, peace now they r all asleep im thinking of going and sitting in bath i usually only have a shower but i ache all over so i may indulge, lol fingers crossed hun, u seeing mw again tomorrow or in the week fingers crossed that bundle of joy will join u sooner than u think xx
@princesshannah1986, i may hve been naughty and just ordered and pre ordered some of tge new holiday ones on ebay! Good job my tarts box is looking bare lately because everyone pinches them lol xx
There is a couple of xmas ones out now have a little look, takes my mind off things looking at candles, mind u i havent burt one in months with feeling so sick, so i cant wait to burn one again, christmas cookie is my fav one and its pink so even better lol xx
Hahahaaa im banned from the Yankee shop and Next, but there is always a way to sneak them in lol 😉 i will keep it all crossed for ya luv, these babies always come at the most incovienient time so fingers crossed either before or after thursday xxx
Thank u Hun, I'm terrible for over buying ha! My husband has band me from mothercare now because I always come out with more clothes ha! God help me when all the cute Christmas bits come out :) I'll keep u informed chic, as long as she doesn't come on her due date Thursday as her dad has a very important interview 😁 before would be lovely ha.. Wishful thinking! Xxx
Awww u should of messaged me, dont be down sweet, just think sunday tomoz and then monday another sweep, u got everything to look forward too over next week or so xxx im ok making a list of whats left to buy so i dont over buy like normal lol 😘xxxx
I said To my midwife that my biggest fear was being induced or going over then I just got offered sweeps so took her up on it, it's worth mentioning 👍🏻 Iv had two already and another Monday, not pleasant and not had any show but hey ho, third time lucky maybe :) worth a shot 👍🏻xx@xkathrynlouise
Can I ask why are you having a sweep early? I've been told by the doctor at hospital today to mention/ask my midwife for a sweep when I go on Tuesday. I'm unsure if she wants me to have a sweep early or just to enquire. I'm just confused ! X
Awww i hope so im still being bloody sick and this heat is making it worse lol, i could just sit and cry im a hormonal ball atm, fingers crossd hun it will happen on its own probs when u least expect it to, u will be fine and u havnt got long to wait now xx anxiety is a bitch, i was ill last year and ever since then it has gotten worse, its not until u suffer with it that u realise how bad it can make u feel xxx
Horrible isn't it, struggled to sleep last night but I think it's going to be better after today :) yeah I'm going for the epidural because I'm a big wuss 🙈 but I don't care ha! Anxiety is a nightmare isn't it Hun, as if we don't have enough to deal with ay! Fingers crossed it'll happen sooner rather than later so I can crack on ha! 😂😘xxx @safiamammy1
Awwww babe i one back to back, it was more painful if im honest but its not for everyone, i ended up with an epidural, i dont have a high pain thresh hold, god knows how ive had 4 babies already lol, dont be scared from peoples stories as everyone is different, my midwife never told me what would happen either, anxiety is a bitch i suffer really badly with it, but just think what u will have in the end, awww im ok luv this heat is killing me off need some rain to cool us off a bit lol 😘xxxxx
She didn't say to be honest Hun, got another Monday if baby hasn't come so will ask then :) I'm more scared of the bay being bk to bk now, midwife didn't fill me with confidence! Erggg... Anxiety kicking of tonight, had enough :( hope your ok @safiamammy1 😘xxx
Did she say if the sweep was favourable, i had so many sweeps but never worked my cervix was too high, i hope it works for you hun, and baby comes asap xxxx