It was really bad when she was still having bad reflux. I only had one bottle of my milk left and had to give her formula for a whole day and she hated it. She's so used to breast milk she can't take formula. But now I've started mixing supplement with it and she'll take it that way. It helps me with my supply thank god.
And again at six weeks! You should download the wonder weeks app it kinda gives you a heads up when your baby might go through a "leap" or growth spurt. It costs like two dollars but I think it's worth it
@meboom01, @mrs.mccormick ugh I'm dying! lol It makes me glad I'm not breastfeeding but I went thru a can of formula in 48 hrs because he's wanting to eat soooo much. I was up allll night. I literally had no idea they had growth spurts like this so I wasn't prepared at all 😭
And then 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months. Little girl just got done with her 3 month growth spurt and omg it made me exhausted. She was up every 3 hours wanting to eat and she would eat 4-6 ounces each time and it's hard on me because I don't make that much milk 😭