My sweet baby girl Nadia Mae! she was born on Sept 8th at 3:44 pm, weighing 6lbs 15oz and was 19.5 inches long. Labor was so much different than my first. I was in labor for only 6 hours (vs the almost 20 with my son), I dilated so quickly i was at an 8 when i got to the hospital. I pushed threw only one contraction and her head was out. She made a bowl movement inside of me so I had to stop pushing after her head came out for them to vacuum her lungs out. It was a scary situation but it all worked out fine :) then afterwards my cervix started closing around my placenta so my doctor had to literally shove his hand inside me and pull my placenta out. All this happened completely natural with no pain meds. It hurt to say the least lol
let's hear some labor stories! :)