I don't know if its even a thing but i think i may suffer from some sort of postpartum paranoia that something bad will happen to my baby. Im scared everyday. It doesn't interfere with with my general happiness though, I'm so in love with my son and might be borderline obsessed with him lol. I just cant shake that fear for some reason. Its more than just checking that he's breathing while he's sleeping. Scenarios play out in my head constantly where something bad happens to him. Even as im typing this im terrified that im jinxing him by saying it. Could it be anxiety? Idk. I just don't like this. Never went through this with my first. Any input/opinions are appreciated.

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It's called Post Partum Anxiety. it's very common. I struggled with it for a long time. it is so hard. I dddint even know PPA was a thing because it is so rarely talked about. Find someone to talk about it to, because the anxiety will seep into more than just being afaid for the baby. I had a tightness in my chest that made me bitter and scared all the time for everything. I ended up giving it all to Jesus and I have felt so much better ever since.
12.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
It's crazy I feel like this too ! I felt terrible for like it playing in my mind but I honestly can't help it ! It definitely causes a bit of anxiety, I always check on her breathing, more so when she was smaller but the whole thinking about something bad happens just sucks I thought I was the only one 😔
12.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was the same last year. I would think of odd things. But it gets better. It is normal to feel this way because you have a little human to keep safe and raise! That's scary and overwhelming sometimes. But eventually your nerves will calm and you will get the hang of it. :)
12.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
it's normal to feel this way, and hormones.
I would highly recommend getting one of the baby monitors that detects movement. I have one and it's the biggest ease of mind. it also alerts me if the temp in the room is too high or too low (upstairs room). and it's loud. it's not quite at all
12.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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