I was so worried about that too. my hubs won't tell me if I did or didn't and I didn't care or notice if I did while I was pushing. it happened so fast that I didn't remember till after I left the hospital two days later lol
i was so afraid of that going in, but I didn't! even if you do, it's nothing to worry about. it happens! It definitely felt like I did, but I asked the doctor and he said no.
@thiagosmommy_, that happened to me when I had my son I guess I was pushing to hard because they made me try even though they knew I couldn't do vaginal because I'm too narrow in there . I was freaked out but the nurses and doctors kept telling not to worry about it and that its normal and they seen much more crazy things . After awhile I forgot all about it considering it didn't stop I know the epidural loosens your stool too lol . But they made me feel so comfortable I was way more uncomfortable then they was they acted like it wasn't even happening . Then when they finally after 3 hrs realized I really couldn't get my 5 pound baby out they took me for an emergency c section and before I got wheeled out they said good job and that don't let what happened dull my happy moment and that my boy would be here in no time .
that was my biggest fear my whole last pregnancy. lol and it wasn't even on my mind when I did go into labor. lol if it happens you won't even care :) but I'm sure you heard this a million times already.