Good morning all. I have a question for my c-section mommies? How long after you had your baby did you wait to drive? Lol I'm ready to drive now it's been a week today
@emilyd, lol I hated them too so I just take a Tylenol whenever I'm hurting
09.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
@queen_d, glad you're off your pain meds already, fierce mama. I hated them! Like you said, probably best to wait, even though you might get a little stir crazy 😋
@emilyd, I understand that. thank you! I've already stopped taking my pain meds though. I guess I will just wait another week to be on the safe side
09.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Two reasons why they tell you to wait:
1. You have a 6-8 inch incision on your stomach and just had major surgery, so your reaction times will be slower when driving.
2. Most mommies get prescribed narcotics after a C-section and no way should you ever be driving under the influence.
I stopped taking my pain meds after 9 days PP, but my husband was nervous, so he made me wait the full two weeks before he let me drive. It drove me crazy then, but thankful now. I don't know how I would have handled it if something had happened to my baby bc I chose to drive before I was healed well enough to do so.
@kaileesmommy, thank you @mrsgower I'm not taking my pain meds anymore and I understand that bc I didn't want to drive while I was on mine either. Thank you