Mindy Hord
Mindy Hord
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It's hard to believe that in 3 days I will have a 17 year old.
It's hard to believe that I was 17 when I got pregnant with her.
I never really felt like a teen-mom since I had been on my own for over 3 years when I had her.
I will never forget this day: the day I met my first blood-relative.
Almost 17 years later, I can say, that giving birth to her was the hardest thing I have ever physically done.
Raising a child when I was still a child, was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
But being her mother has been the easiest.
The older I am, the older she is, the more I see so much of me in her and I wonder what parts of me are my birth mothers.
There were so many times, from the minute I went into labor that I thought "I can't do this! I am failing!"
But she was just another piece of the puzzle of my life, the 1st real chapter, worth writing about, that taught me just how tough I was and just how life was worth living.
People discredit "teen moms" so often, but there are some success stories, and my kid is one of them, or at the very least, my 1st success story.
At times, I thought she was raising me, but we were really just growing up together!
Everyday I look at her, I know I did it right. I couldn't have done it without the help of 2 amazing men, who didn't have to love her or help me and my best friend Amanda for being there through the really tough parts of raising a kid!

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