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The 15 stitches and hemorrhoid is so worth it 💜 Aria is one week old and a day !!!💜👶🏽🙌🏾
just thought I would share my natural non medicated birth.
P.S. - I took these pictures 💖

5:30am Tuesday Morning I went in to deliver my princess. I was nervous as they hooked me to the machines and drew blood . At 6:30 pitocin was started to bring my contractions closer and stronger . At 7:30 he broke my water and I was almost 6 cm dilated contractions were strong but I couldn't really feel them. At 9:45 I was 8cm and getting uncomfortable . At 10:02 I was 9 cm and still just uncomfortable . soon after I felt like I needed to push so I called my nurse in only to be told I still had a little bit of cervix left and to not push yet so they rolled me onto my right side and held me in one position & at this point I really felt like giving up not being able to move really made it hurt worse. She gave me a oxygen mask because I couldn't breathe through the pain and stay still , I kept hitting my sister and ty on their arms for some reason it help getting over the urge to push & not being able to move ☺️ . I was cursing everyone out and screaming through the contractions trying to prevent myself from moving because I was ready for it to be over. Finally I calmed down and had 3 more contractions Then All of a sudden I couldn't stay still no longer ( it had intensified ) so I flipped over on all fours and told the nurse I had to push I couldn't do it anymore . She made me calm down with the mask and turn back around so she could check again then at 11:06 it was time to start pushing but first my doctor went ahead and gave me a episiotomy (cut) which I found myself not doing it right for a good min even my doctor said so . 😂. So I curled my chin in my chest and acted like I was pooping still not knowing what I was doing . Then I hear my boyfriend, sister and nurse say she has a lot of dark brown hair and that they needed at least one more good set of pushes . This last time I pushed with all my strength I had left and at 11:31am Aria Kai McGuire was born and I couldn't stop crying as Ty cut her cord and they laid her on my chest . It was the best feeling in the whole world to know I had birthed her Natural like I had planned to with the best support in the world.

Лучший комментарий


Thank you Hun @breloya ☺️
08.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
They are pigmented birth marks that may or may not fade before they hit teen years. They're adorable to me, but many mistake them for bruises. Sooooo be prepared if she has any others that are visible. It's annoying at times. But anywho, congratulations. She is absolutely beautiful. ❤️
07.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
@breloya, my doctor says it's her birth mark but idk .
07.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
@vicky810, thank you Hun 😍
07.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
07.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Beautiful. ❤️ She looks like she has a Mongolian spot on her butt lol. My daughter has one on hers and one on each shoulder.
07.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
She's beautiful!!
07.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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