Elaine Osborne
Elaine Osborne
Hi mamas I need your advice💛

So...Monday my husband comes home from ship after a long 4 months of traveling back and forth from Flordia & Louisanna. Well of course everyone knows that Flordia is in a big panic because of Zika Virus and them finding mosquitoe cases due to non travel.

My husband works in the engine room inside all day. But he has gotten off the ship in Flordia several times, he sprays bug spray all over him and he says he NEVER got bite not even once and shows no symptoms of Zika.

My question is... of course after not seeing each other for 4 months of course we want to be intimate with eachother as soon as we see one another. They won't test him for Zika I'm Cali because he is not showing symptoms.
We want to have sex and enjoy having sex and me being pregnant (the fun part is you don't have to worry about becoming pregnant when you are already pregnant) but should we wear condoms the remainder of the pregnancy? even though he did not get bit and or no symptoms?????

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Talk to your ob. they might be able to get around protocol for the baby's health
07.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
The concern does go past the first trimester unfortunately. I assumed it didn't as well but research shows otherwise. I wouldn't risk it myself
07.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Is there any way he can get tested?
07.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I think it's only a concern in the first trimester and it sounds like the chances of him getting it are super slim. But I would probably give your dr a call just in case.
07.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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