Ok moms I really need yalls help I know when I go to the doctor I'm gonna get in trouble for having an over weight 2 month old and I honestly don't think that I feed her too much I really think she's just a natural big girl she was born at 8lbs 4oz I would throw up everything I would eat through out my pregnancy and I was afraid she wouldn't get any food but apparently she did I had her at 39 weeks. Ok so right now she eats 5oz every 3 hours and at night she goes 6-7 hours without eating and there is like 2 times out of the whole day that she only eat 4oz instead of 5 and I wanna how much you guys feed your 2 month old or the ladies that are past 2 month olds how much did you guys used to feed yalls 2 month old babies? My daughter already weights 15lbs 8oz and she just turned 2 months yesterday.

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I wouldn't worry about it at all. my son is small. was born small. he eats a ton! but because he is active and has a fast metabolism, they tell me is is a bit underweight. no-one else thinks so because they are how he eats. he is now 1.5 years old and he is still the same way. but like I said, he eats a lot lol
07.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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