I took a frer this morning (not fmu, but second pee). Please tell me I'm not the only one who sees the line? I got the depo shot two weeks ago today, and had sex around 12 days ago (so still early to test..)I was assured the depo would be effective immediately since I'm breastfeeding and haven't had a period. I have no idea when I ovulated and only had sex that one time.. Please tell me if you see the second line.. This pic was taken at around 3 minutes.
I see a faint line on both pictures you posted in the comments section, but it's super faint. I would wait until Thursday and test since it can take 48 hours for hour levels to double if you are.
@erin.c, definitely retesting in the morning. I don't know why I tested to early. Dumb! Guess we will see. Thursday will be the two week mark from when we did "it" maybe I'll just wait and test on Thursday!