I'm annoyed right now. so my hubby comes in the room asking me of he should let his 2 daughters mom see them. OK mind u all she has been M.I.A for 3 months. no call no nothing. she had got her other 2 girl taken away from her. I'm not one to over step so I told him u do what u want. I can only say how I feel. and I feel like she shouldn't because just cuz the other kids got taken doesn't mean u stop talking to ur other kids that are older. I don't think it's right we do everything, and all of a sudden summer is over and bam she is back trying to be a mom again?!? like how is that even right or fair for the girls. now idk what he plans on doing but I told him that's up to u not me. if it were up to me I would tell her to take us to court since even when she did see them on the weekends she wasn't even picking them up on time and would have others take care of then when she was supposed to be with them. I just don't get it. me a mom of one 10yr old already I would be damn if I missed day to see her or call her. I don't get how parents do that! I just don't get it. maybe it's not for me to get. but still that's her kids why not see them any chance u had??