Ladies I need help. My LO is 4 months old. I fell asleep with him in my bed bc I was so exhausted I just fell asleep n didn't mean too. Well I was woken up by him screaming. Bc he rolled off the bed onto the hard ceramic tile floor. There was a rug there so he had a little cushion to his fall. He started screaming as soon as I heard him I jumped up and started comforting him. I felt his head I don't feel a bump or indentation. But now I'm scared he might b hurt. He is acting fine. He's smiling playing eating and everything. Am I just being a worry wart? I'm just so upset and scared now.

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what the ladies said is right! my son fell off the bed around 4 months I believe onto carpet and he's doing fine. he's fallen a couple more times and hit his head from not having balance and he's healthy crawling and all that so it happens but you wanna be safe so watch him closely
04.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Check his eyes with a flashlight if his pupils are the same size and responsive to light then he should be fine. Don't let him sleep for awhile. If he throws up or starts acting weird call the advice nurse.
04.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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