Please move along if you don't agree with baby piercings.
So we got my daughters ears pierced at 6 months. My daughter is 11 months now and she doesn't like anything on her head ;hats, glasses, hoods, jewelry, bibs and now earings. She takes her earnings out all the time, even in her sleep. I was told it takes about 6 months for the ears to be completely healed and your able to take them out without the holes closing. Its only been 5 months and I can't seem to get this girl to keep the earnings in her ears. So you think she will be fine if I leave them out, also does anyone else deal with this?
oh okay thats cool, I already took them out two days ago, I have been trying to put them back in for the last few days and she keeps taking them out and its scary as hell cus normally I don't see her pull the earing out and I have to find it and I'm just scared that one day I won't find it and she will choke on it when she finds it.