so i took my 2 month old daughter to the er because she is congested and they said a baby that young can't have allergies they said that shes just congested and that she has nasolacrimal duck obstruction (clogged tear duck) seborrheic dermatitis (craddle cap) cutaneous candidiasis (yeast infection) and a diaper rash but shes coughing and her chest is congested they said its because of drainage and she has been spitting up alot lately any help on trying to make her feel better with her being so congested the only medicine they gave me was for the yeast infection

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Plus it has a filter so nothing goes in your mouth
03.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
The nose tube sucker thing works wonders I thought it was so gross at first till I actually broke down and bought it my baby was so congested and it literally pulled all the junk out of his nose and he was able to breathe
03.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
You can put baby Vicks on her feet and then put her socks on if you haven't tried that already
03.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Humidifier and put some Vicks in the water, that's what I was told at least! Have yet to try it but I've heard it helps with congestion. Also a friend of mine said steam up the bathroom with a hot shower and sit with baby in the bathroom, I guess the steam helps congestion too. The ball nose suckers don't get as far in there, so my dr said to try the one where you stick the tube in the nose and suck with your mouth (sounds gross) but I guess it gets more out than the ball nose suckers. My LO has been congested for 3 weeks now, it sucks!
03.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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