My birth story, Wednesday August 31 had my 35 week appointment no dilation no sign of baby boy coming any time soon. 5 a.m. Thursday September 1, I was at the bottom of the steps about to let the dogs out and a huge gush of liquid came out. I ran to the toilet because I thought I peed smelled my underwear no odor. Tried to get up still leaking grabbed a towel so I could run back upstairs to grab my phone. Got a hold of tje on call nurse explained everything and she was trying to tell me to have someome come pick me up we live less than 10 mins from the hospital told her I'd be waiting forever for someone else to come get me. I called my husband who just happens to work in patient registration at the er and told him I'm coming in I think my water broke. In the room got tested it was my water and got checked for dilation nothing. Started pitocin not to long after and got an epidural because i was having some very painful contractions. Well the Dr gets in and instantly I feel loopy and almost like i had just taken a muscle relaxer and I could still feel my contractions. Main Dr comes in and ups it notbing changes feeling more loopy. Dr comes back and says we're gonna do it again i believe she hit a blood vessel and the medication is running throigh your blodd. Well 20 minutes later can't feel my legs and not a single contraction. Fast forward I jumped to 5cm within an hour or so. 30 minutes later I'm at 8cm and my husband ran home to grab clothes and the carseat. I'm texting gim and telling him to hurry because at this time my body is beginning to involuntary push and it was hurting. 20 minutes later 9cm pain keeps getting worse i feel like I'm going to poop the bed. Nurse checks me again while im having a contraction (mind you I can feel baby boy in the birth canal) she barley gets her fingers in there and says its time I'll go get the doctor. 4:49 p.m. I begin to push not too much pain just pressure. 5:03 p.m. our baby boy is here. A total of 14 minutes of pushing only tore a little. Baby boy came out screaming weighed 6.5 lbs and 19 inches long. He is doing amazing latching on well and holding his body temperature. The second they laid him on my chest everything stopped.
Congratulations!!! 😊🎉 I remember with my son I had to get pitocin, that stuff is no joke! You dilate within no time at all. My nurse checked me & I was at a 7, about 5 minutes later I looked at my MIL & said "I have to poop so bad!" She called the nurse in & said "check her now! She's ready to push!" The nurse said "no, not yet. I just checked her & she was only a 7." My mil said "no, you check her NOW!" So she checked me, sure enough I was a 10 & ready to push 😂
My birth story went something like that but once they checked me I was in labor so I couldn't get anything. I had to go all natural. I'm happy because my whole pregnancy I said I was going to go natural until like 15 minutes before I pushed out the head.