So my baby is breast feed... she vomits about 4 -5 times a day all over herself comes out her nose and everything makes it hard for her to breath :( she has a 2 week check up today thankfully...but it just sucks alot this happens
my daughter seemed like she was throwing up a lot, but after talking with several pediatricians and 2 lactation consultants, I realized it was just a bit of spit up. it is very normal for them to spit up quit a bit, and every feeding. that's why we have burp rags. aria is now 7 months old and still spits up a little here and there. just know that your doing great momma and everything is fine, it will pass. also a nothing thing I had to figure out, was that I was burping my baby harder than she needed. she just needed the tiniest pats. I barely had to burp her at all. sometimes we burp a baby more than they need, and we don't even know we are doing it, it's all in learning.
there are so many different things to try and so much advice to read about or get from pros. just do what you think will work best. I had to explore so many different things before I found what worked for my girl. remember babies don't come with an instruction manual. you just have to do what feels right to you and your baby
plus I'll try to burp her one more time before I put her down @ariasmommy121 idk if she has a sensitive tummy or if I'm just feeding her to much . she vomits on me sometimes when she is awake and it happens when she is in her rocker
no I hold her up right for about 30 - an hour playing and talking to her even if she falls asleep I still lay her on me up right for 30 minutes before putting her in her rocker . and she still is kinda laying up in her rocker
keep her upright for at least 20min. this is a good time for cuddling/bonding. when she throws up does it seem like it's 3-4 TBS or does it seem like a lot more. as new mommies we tend to overestimate how much our babies are actually spitting up.
oh yes I burp her in between feedings and after she's done eating also ...I football hold her its comfortable for me to feed her that her heart is above her tummy :( idk it just sucks she vomits so much
I had the same problem with my babies and make sure you're holding her where her heart is about her stomach and make sure that you are burping her after she eats Kama even breastfed babies still need to be burped
there are so many different things to try and so much advice to read about or get from pros. just do what you think will work best. I had to explore so many different things before I found what worked for my girl. remember babies don't come with an instruction manual. you just have to do what feels right to you and your baby