Abigail Myers
Abigail Myers
PLEASE HELP: my son is a month old now. I have tried EVERYTHING today to try and calm him. he has screamed and cried all day. he won't take his pacifier, he won't latch, I've changed his diaper he's completely Clean, he's had stools and wet diapers. I don't know what to do and I'm starting to get overly stressed and frustrated... what should we do?

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maybe try some Gripe water
30.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
babies will go through the most extreme growth spurts within the first month up to the 2nd month and the growing can be quite painful.. unfortunately there's not much you could do to help it, his crying is a way of communicating and expressing what he's going through, babies crave connection and want us to empathize with them, to listen to their cries. the best you can do is what you are doing, being there comforting him, singing ect. connecting with him on a spiritual level is the only for sure way to calm a baby when they are inconsolable but that's something only you can tap into on your own and there isn't a how to guide for it.. sorry there isn't much else I know it's hard but you are not alone in this every mother goes through this and it will pass. as far your sanity goes if you can ask for help with the baby reach out. the only other advice I have is information that helps the baby and the relationship, that I researched bc like you I didn't know what to do and my baby cried and cried. anyway pacifiers you don't want to introduce one during a growth spurt, the crying is essential giving a pacifier during these spurts seems innocent but it actually teaches them to close themselves or shut their feelings. and the last piece of info is vital to the nursing relationship, if you are breastfeeding, only give them the boob during these growth spurts- no bottles- it's more for comfort but this will also greatly benefit your supply in the long run. I hope this helps you sorry there's not much more I can offer.. much love to you and keep strong mama
30.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Fridababy makes this awesome thing for gas called the windi, if it's something you deal with often I'd highly recommend it!
30.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kellynicole, @emilyd @bianca_rose thank you for! we are trying some gas drops we think it's gas. thanks for the advice and help
30.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Two guesses: colic or "purple crying". If it's colic, it will follow the rule of 3. Crying for more than 3 hours for more than 3 days lasting more than 3 weeks. Since your LO is only a month old, you probably won't be able to discern that for awhile. As for "purple crying", almost all babies between 6 weeks and 3 months will hit this stage. They cry just to cry. There is nothing wrong and they have no idea why they are crying. They just do it. The other mommies who commented could also be right about gas. If you are breastfeeding, document what you are eating. Your baby will eat whatever you ate about 2 hours after you did. If you had a cup of coffee and 2 hours later, your LO is inconsolable, baby might be extra sensitive to caffeine and you'll need to cut back or cut out. Same with things like dairy, garlic, onions, alcohol, cruciferous vegetables, etc,
30.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
The link is a way to hold them to get them to stop crying immediately, it really does work
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Maybe he's gassy? Try belly massage, bicycle kicks, gripe water, gas drops
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Look up on YouTube how to calm a colicky baby! Try that
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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