help please my 2 week old just won't settle every time i put him down he crys he's been winded changed fed then he's asleep info to put him down and he won't settle

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It's definitely hard work! @kianryansmummy especially the 1st few weeks. Even second time around I haven't been sure what I'm doing sometimes! 😂 My eldest slept much better once he went in his cot but he was 9weeks.
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Maybe try a cot my daughter could not stand her moses basket would not go in it as soon as I put her in her cot she loved it cause she could still see us maybe he just needs the reassurance your still there and not going anywhere xx @kianryansmummy
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@sara-lou he's been unsettled last three nights but alot worse tonight I swaddle him most the time he's falling asleep happy on Mr just can't put him down @chesscalouise2 he's ok in his push chair just moses basket i think hard stuff this perant thing right xx
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kianryansmummy does your baby do this were ever you put him down or just in a moses basket? X
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
My eldest son never liked the Moses basket. He never slept in it during the day so think it took him longer to get used to it at night time. Is he unsettled all the time @kianryansmummy or just at the moment? Max would have a couple hours each day or a couple times a day he was just inconsolable. I thought it was winding & pooing issues so I tried infacol. Didn't really help him much. Does he like to be swaddled or tucked in? I used to roll up 2 blankets & lay them either side of Max so he felt snuggled in. He liked that the 1st week or so then he got used to his crib.
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@sara-lou I baught some infacol to try help with his wind and i don't think he likes his moses basket but not sure if he's to young for cot xx
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Maybe he's struggling with wind? @kianryansmummy My son was quite unsettled the first few weeks. It's trial & error really. Trying different positions, musical lullaby teddies/ mobile. My son liked being rocked in his bouncer with the vibrate on. Sometimes you just have to put them down & let them have a little cry. Even if just for a minute or 2. Then try again. My sons been very fussy compared to my eldest son but he's slowly getting better & happier 😊
29.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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