Ladies what do they insert in the vagina to help you soften the cervix and dilate? Dr said there doing that to me tomorrow as soon as I get there.. How painful is that? I'm nervous😁
Oh gosh!! The things we women have to endure... I've had kids but never had the cervidal so wanted a heads up.. I hope the whole process doesn't take forever:( @babyjrsmomma
No after the cervidal they inserted a pill that helps dilate. They disolve within 4 hours. They did two of them. With all three cervidals and the two pills I had only made it to like a 2 but I was completely thinned out. She was able to reach up far enough to break my water and then I had automatically went to a four and then they started pitocin. @squishy3
It was extremely uncomfortable @squishy3 not going to lie 😬 because they have to put it in "dry" no gel. This was my first baby so I was all kinds of nervous
Did the cervidal hurt you? @babyjrsmomma I might end up with c section myself.. Never thought I would have one because my other 2 kids were vaginal.. I'm getting so nervous...
Yes it is cervidal (sp?) @squishy3 I had it and 12 hours late no progress. I had to have c section since doc had already discussed that with me. C section wasn't as horrible as I imagined! Baby was born 08/16 and I am completed healed. Praying all goes great for you ❤️ FYI we didn't do pitocin though
It's kinda like a tampon but it feels a little rough. They try to stick it in as fast as possible and part of the string hangs out. I went through three of them and barely made any progress. But I wasn't dilating or anything when they started it. @squishy3