32 weeks and stuck in the hospital because babys amniotic fluids are low 😕 they have been pumping me with fluids and hoping they go up so I can be on bedrest at home and not in the hospital for the next 4-5 weeks 😔
They do nsts every 4 hours. They were doing them every 12 until today. And hooked up to iv fluids since last wednesday. I am finally seeing my dr again tomorrow so Im going to figure out what her plan is. @brwneydgirly25
I can't believe they are keeping baby in that low.. are you on continuous monitoring? I would actually push to have an ultrasound everyday.. I mean you're already in the hospital it wouldn't hurt to have someone come to your room and check every day.. my thoughts and prayers are with you.. I'll check back soon sweetie.. @ktkayxo
Still here. My fluid went down to 3.77 as of yesterday but baby is still doing well during nsts. Just going to try and keep her in there as long as they can as long as she isnt in distress. Should get another ultrasound in a couple days. @brwneydgirly25 thank you for checking 😊
of course.. I went in on hospital bed rest on Tuesday (for other reasons) and it was an 8.. was given IV just in case I had to deliver. Wednesday my fluid was 5 and they doubled the fluids and told me I could only get up to pee (no shower). Thursday morning was a 3 and by 2 I was having a c section. @ktkayxo
Yeah they are anticipating me delivering 36/37 weeks even if they continue to increase if I dont have to have an emergency c section before then @brwneydgirly25 thank you ❤