Is her tummy hard? If it isn't then I don't think she is constipated. My baby's doctor told me they sometimes need time to learn how to control their pooping because they don't know. It's extremely rare that breast milk constipates a baby, and it's normal if they don't poop even in a few days because breast milk is so light that they don't have a lot to digest and process to poop. I was the same until I noticed he would poop whenever he wanted. Give her some gas relieve medicine that will help ! Oh , the first thing I tried with my baby was rice cereal and it was chaotic... That truly constipates babies . Best thing to introduce them to eat is taro root mixed with their milk. My baby is on level 2 😆 taro root with some chicken (not with his milk but with the own chicken broth you boil) one time a day and he's pooping perfectly ❤️
My LO has had the same problem for two weeks now. His dr told me to try juices (1/2 ounce prune or Apple) or try the thermometer method (stick a thermometer or a qtip just slightly into his anus and push downward) it'll come out fast though so watch out, like a blowout lol we did it and it got some of the poop out but not all. And it's messy