I just snatched my paper out his hand and walked out like fuck you! I aint doing that shit. Then i say well if my cervix not dilated at 40 weeks what makes you think its gone be dilated at 41 weeks 😒 he said well i dont know that.! Nd im like my point exactly so why waste tine when my child could be here nd i wont have to deal with yall asses til my 6 wk check up @justjanee1
Im weak 😂😂 like i literally cried like a baby cause he feel my cervix isnt ready for induction nd in my head im thinking like " bitch aint thats what induction for?" Then he hit me with the we'll see you back on monday nd i just wanted to take his old antique ass thru the wall! 😒 @justjanee1
Girl i stoped after bout 30 mins of it. I was on the phone with my mom nd she screaming at me for not answeing her questions nd im like damn can i have a contraction in peace i cant focus on breathing thru these nd talking to you 😂😂 nd to answer your question no.! I go back monday which ill be 40wks and 2days to be rechecked nd hopefully he just say ok we gone induce you this week 😩 cause he bout to piss me off he better hope i dont go off on him monday if he aint talking bout what i want to hear @justjanee1
Depressing 😪 best part about it was seeing her for the last time @justjanee1...&& mine felt like a whole bunch of pressure in my lower back they kept coming 5 mins apart nd lasting a 1min shit is terrible.! Nd i have a feeling that them wasnt the real deal it was only a taste 😂😒