i am having a hell of a time finding time to do anything... shower, eat, get water, clean... being a new mom is hard, esp. when i make him number 1. i am getting overwhelmed & light headed... not to mention i clean after his father (my bf) too...
amen! i wish he would accept that the baby cries... doesn't mean he needs to be put on me right away. i have to handle it by myself all day & all night. sometimes i get a shower after he gets home... & i would make dinner if he watched the baby. tired of eating shit
girl i was the same way when my first was born then i realozed i didnt make my son by myself so after my husband would get off work i would make him take him for an hour for me to shower eat whatever i wanted to do. we still do this and our son will be 3 month im a stay at home mom but you have to take care of yourself also. and with cleaning up after your man tell his a** he is grown and needs to learn to clean after himself you already have one kid to take care of you dont need a second.