Being a stay at home mom is starting to take its toll on me , not by staying wit my babies but it feels like independence is fading . Luckily i still have my disability but this will be the last week and after that his money will be my only income and that's not a good feeling . Idk how women like having a man take care them financially because I sure don't !

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I feel the same way. I love being home with my kids but not having my own money is annoying sometimes. I will say it felt better after he just put me on his card so that way I didn't have to ask him for money anymore, which I hated doing and ended up telling him that. While I was pregnant I got a waitressing job that I just worked on sat nights, that was my spending money
23.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@peytonsmommay17, my job is asking me to come back and I'm jus stalling them basically smh
23.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
@amaperalta03, yup I understand because he told me I didn't have to go back to work and at first I was like Awww thanks lmao but now I'm like I want my job back I'm up damn near all day like you said , I'm just not used to not having my own money even if he's fine with it its just not what I prefer . I don't want my child in a daycare either but yes it's hard I have a 3 year old and a month old so it's a big task for me on a daily basis . My 3 year old is up all day and I'm up wit her and my newborn is up all night so I'm also up with her it's a lot @jaxmomma
23.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
My man takes care of me financially cause when he ain't have shit I took care of him. He brings home the bacon and I make sure our home is always clean, errands are done, our toddler always clean and fed. When your baby is small it's kinda boring being a stay at home mom but let me tell you it gets harder as they get older. We refuse to put her into a day care and we both feel it's best I stay with her. There is good days and bad days. But my man shows his appreciation for all I do. I'm the first to wake up and last to go to sleep. My daughter has been getting up at night lately too so I'm the one tending to her. People pay a baby sitter to watch their child and I do it all for free it's literally a 24/7 job but it's rewarding as well. We are blessed that I don't need to work even tho I plan to go back to work next year. I'd do this all over again
23.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
Amen! I love staying with my baby, but I miss making my own money. Unfortunately, day care is so expensive, it's not even worth it for me to work right now. I miss bringing in my own money, so I babysit. I have my 5 month old, a 4 month old, 1 year old, 2 year old, and 6 year old lol it's way too hectic. I miss going to work haha
23.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
We are in the same boat but I didn't have income to fall back on like disability. It's annoying to depend on my husband when I really can't. I'm been applying for jobs since the day I came home from the hospital
23.08.2016 Нравится Ответить
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